• International Senior Citizen Day -2023


We are Senior Citizens Care Foundation

Senior Citizens Care Foundation is a NGO

Aims and Objectives of SCCF towards Senior Citizens:.
1. To Create o Social awareness thot Senior Citizens / Elders ore on integral and strong segment of our Society.
2. To make it sure thot they in o position to enjoy o good Physical Hearth and o Holistic / Spiritual/ Psychological Health.
3. To make them feel and realise thot they ore well required and are a valuable asset of the society. They do not need our pity rother they deserve our empathy for all angels of life.
4. To use and utilize their talent / life long experience in form of their mentorship/Leadership/social Guidance/Professional advice for the development of our next generations.
5. The overall and major objective of SCCF is to make it possible that our senior citizens ore having o Dignified, Socially Secured, Financially Independent, Medically cared and a participative life style in all ports
of our Society.